Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 4


I've been doing really good for the past 4 days! I'm especially proud because I've also had to deal with school, and I'm still posting.. Not to toot my own horn or anything...


Also, this is a shorter day of explanation, so I figured I'd give you all some exciting GIFS. Also we have a London meeting today! So that's exciting too! Now I suppose onto the challenge:

Day 04: The meaning behind your Tumblr name/blog name

I figured since it was so short of a task I could do both. That doesn't mean you should go out find my tumblr. But you can, if you want. I like having followers, it makes me feel special even if I just reblog a bunch of stuff. Apparently people think I'm funny or I have a good sense of humor? Or I reblog a lot of Alex Kingston, it's anyone's guess really.

Tumblr names:

Well, my "blog's" name is The Impossible Astronaut, and that's really a tribute to River Song. See? Simple.

My url, for anyone interested in following, is Now that one's a bit more interesting. I used to be really obsessed with Wicked. Yes, I was one of those thirteen year old fangirls. In my defense, it was my first taste of musicals and eventually allowed me to delve into other stuff. I didn't just stick to the one. So thank you Wicked for helping be grow.Now that that's been said, there is a quote when Elphaba comes out for the first time with her sister Nessarose and meets the head mistress.

Madame Morrible: You must be Nessarose, what a tragically beautiful face. And where is- [Turns to Elphaba and screams]
Elphaba: I'm the other daughter, Elphaba. I'm beautifully tragic.
 I don't know why, but I really liked how the words just switched around. But you can't get any usernames with beautifullytragic or tragicallybeautiful, now can you? Though I must say I would've preferred the former as opposed to the latter. So my brain thinks, well, Glinda's song is "Popular" what if I combine that somehow with tragic. Popularlytragic. Tragicallypopular is not a correct representation of my life.

Now for Allons-y. That one's the easiest of all. The word itself is French for "let's go." How I came to know this was through Doctor Who. When making a blog about going to London, it's the only thing that made sense in my brain.

So that's it then! Day four is completed, I might blog about the meeting, but we'll see how it goes.

Thanks for listening!


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